
Nimezoea: Became Accustomed:慣れ

2 months and half since I've been here Wamumu in August.
4 months since I left Japan in June.
Time is flyingly passing by in Kenya, too.

何もかもが新鮮で肯定的に捉えられる”Honeymoon Stage”も終わり、今度は自分の活動する国の全てに「なんでこうやねん!」と突っ込み始める時期に入っているのではないでしょうか?
I assume other 22-1 JOCV mates all over the world have experienced "Honeymoon Stage" which you feel everything looks so fresh & excites you.
And now time has come that you start to think "Why are these people like this all the time?"

I became pretty much accustomed to the cultural differences between Japan and Kenya; People, Habit, Language and so on. For example,

Many ask you very casually "Hey my friend, share me your money just for a little" It doesn't matter you've met him for the first time. It sounds so casual. They are not seriously asking you for money.

・"mgeni(客人)"は大歓迎。Welcome "Mgeni 'GUEST'"
They just love to welcoming guests. Once in 20m you walking in the town, one guy or madam will talk to you like "how are you, Mr.? Come here and just have a cup of chai with us!"

・既婚、未婚おかまいなし!Married, Unmarried? No problem!
Kenyan guys will tell you "find a beautiful woman/women here and take her/them home with you as your wife!"
Kenyan ladies will tell "hey take me to your country with you when you go back"
99.9% they are joking. The rest of 0.01% seems to be increasable up to you.

・日本人は全員空手の達人!Every single Japanese are KARATE master.
They are 80% seriously believing so. When I take a Karate fighting pose, they running away begging you "Do not kill me, please!!"

・3~6言語は当たり前。 Born-multilingual
There are 42 tribes and more in Kenya. and they speak their own tribal language.
Kenyan are natural-born multilingual. In their conversation, you will find yourself confused in Swahili, English and local tribal tongue.

・常に満タン!Always fully filled up!
A bottle of water you buy, A cup of chai you drink at cafe. They are always fully filled up to the lid. Seriously up to the lid.

・お米に石。Stones in Rice
If you are careless when you are eating rice, you end up chewing small stones in the rice.
Sometime it happens at restaurant. Every time it happens at my school.

・定員オーバー Exceed passengers
In rural area, Matatu, a van type taxi, fill it with the exceeded number of passengers.
The other day, I counted and there are 22 passengers in ONE car.

・アジア人は全員とりあえず中国人!All Asians are Chinese.

The presence of China is huge in Kenya.
"Changjing! Jackie Cheng, Ching Chong Chang" If you hear these, it is you they are calling. (if you are Asian). They think these are the common name of Chinese cos I found a motorbike branded as 'Changjing'. It is like Japanese "HONDA" 
It sounds they fooling us, Asian, but actually they are just playing with us or just trying to draw our attention. Even though, I sometime just ignore them depending on my mental stability.
I hope Japanese development projects and corporations send more Japanese to Africa to increase PHYSICAL presence in Africa.

Sometime, their culture annoys, but I can't hate Kenyan. I love their welcoming culture very much. Yesterday I went to the town just to talk with shop-keepers I know.

I would like to know more about the way Kenyan live by getting known about them, I wish to live among them not as one of wageni, 'guests'.

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